Time handling on Cardano, part 2: use cases
How Plutus, Marlowe, and Hydra address timekeeping on Cardano
8 December 2022 6 mins read
This blog post has been written by Arnaud Bailly, Michael Peyton Jones, Sebastian Nagel, Polina Vinogradova, and Brian Bush.
The previous post discussed how Ouroboros handles time on Cardano and explained the importance of determinism. Here is more about specific use cases for time on Cardano.
How do Plutus scripts handle time?
Plutus scripts get access to the transaction validity…
Time handling on Cardano, part 1. About Ouroboros and the importance of determinism
On-chain timekeeping is essential to ensure global consensus in a blockchain setting. This post explains how time is handled on Cardano
7 December 2022 6 mins read
Image by Noor Younis.
This blog post is a collaborative effort carried out by Arnaud Bailly, Michael Peyton Jones, Sebastian Nagel, Polina Vinogradova, and Brian Bush.
Time is necessarily relative to every participant in the blockchain system and is critically important to support and maintain the safety properties of the Ouroboros consensus protocol. Minted blocks are expected…