Blog > 2019

IOHK brings Plutus to Wyoming's hackathon

Cardano engineers introduce next phase of the smart contract platform to the Cowboy State

12 September 2019 Eric Czuleger 3 mins read

IOHK brings Plutus to Wyoming's hackathon

The state of Wyoming is famous for being part of the American frontier, but it has also established a new reputation, with blockchain pioneers blazing trails in the Cowboy State. But why Wyoming?

The blockchain revolution in Wyoming is the result of a series of laws and regulations passed within its borders. These key pieces of legislation include exemptions from money…

Taking the next step on the road to Cardano Shelley

Networking coming to Jörmungandr testnet in September, paving the way for stake delegation and real ada incentives later this year. Piece written in collaboration with Eric Czuleger and Tim Harrison.

6 September 2019 Nicolas Di Prima 4 mins read

Taking the next step on the road to Cardano Shelley

Imagine a blockchain that can connect the world, yet doesn’t need to consume the same amount of energy as Denmark. A currency where the bookkeepers are also the users. A cryptocurrency that is truly decentralized. Jörmungandr is not only a big mean serpent, but also the serpent that in ancient myth holds the waters of the world together. It is global, and it surrounds the earth…

Secure smart contracts with the Plutus ebook

Q&A with the IOHK Education team authors

31 July 2019 Alejandro Garcia 6 mins read

Secure smart contracts with the Plutus ebook

The IOHK education team this month released the first edition of their new Plutus ebook: Plutus: Writing reliable smart contracts. Available on Amazon and LeanPub, it's a comprehensive introductory guide to Plutus, IOHK's Haskell-based smart contract language. Haskell is a functional programming language, which means it's easier to test and less prone to human error, so…

Kuva symphony update: more events and a 3D blockchain transaction tracker

Kuva discusses Symphony project updates

16 July 2019 Helen Broadbridge 5 mins read

Kuva symphony update: more events and a 3D blockchain transaction tracker

Symphony is an experience unlike any other. We’ve talked about it as an interactive, audio-visual exploration of the Bitcoin blockchain, but it’s becoming much more. Not just because we’re not stopping with Bitcoin – soon, Ethereum, then any blockchain thereafter – but because we’re continually optimizing and upgrading the experience, allowing the user to dive deeper into the…

Smart contract hackathon and meetup in Tel Aviv

Plutus, Marlowe, and the future of smart contracts in Israel

9 July 2019 Daniel Friedman 3 mins read

Smart contract hackathon and meetup in Tel Aviv

I was in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago with IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson for a workshop and meetup with the Israeli developer community. Israel has a long and glowing history with blockchain technology: zero-knowledge proofs were co-invented by an Israeli-American computer scientist, and the region is home to several innovative blockchain projects already. It seemed only natural that…