Announcing the alpha v1 release of the partner chains toolkit
Discover the first step in the partner chains journey. This alpha v1 release lets developers bootstrap blockchain security using Cardano's extensive network of stake pool operators, ensuring robust and efficient protection.
1 August 2024 2 mins read
Input | Output is excited to showcase the first step in the partner chains journey, following Charles' vision at the Cardano Summit in November 2023 and this blog post. This initial release represents a landmark moment in the roadmap to deliver on that vision.
Some chains lack a sufficient number of validators, rendering the network vulnerable to low-cost attacks. The partner chains alpha v1 release allows developers of a new blockchain network to bootstrap its security by leveraging Cardano’s extensive network of stake pool operators (SPOs). By leveraging SPOs, both new and existing networks can quickly increase their number of validators for a more robust and efficient security paradigm.
This release includes a toolkit, which introduces the following innovations for developers:
1. Shared security: partner chains can leverage Cardano SPOs to bolster security.
2. Mixed validator committee: combined committees of trusted permissioned validators and Cardano SPOs for balanced oversight.
3. Consensus model flexibility: partner chains can implement any consensus model, accommodating permissioned validators.
4. Opt-out capability: partner chains can transition to layer 1 status, gaining full independence from Cardano without any lock-in mechanisms.
5. SPO participation: any Cardano SPO can become a validator for a partner chain with minimal costs related to hardware upgrades, no required permissions, and no software expenses. The toolkit simplifies this configuration process.
Central to these innovations is a unique committee selection algorithm that integrates Cardano data to form trusted committees capable of producing a predetermined percentage of blocks, thus enhancing security for emerging protocols.
The alpha v1 release is just the beginning of the journey. It is intended to get feedback from the community, but this release should not be used in live production networks. Input | Output wants to do this openly, alongside the community, and welcoming its feedback.
Midnight will be the first partner chain to launch. Midnight incorporates partner chains technology allowing Cardano SPOs to act as bootstrapping validators for the network. Learn more about Midnight here.
Stay tuned for some exciting new developments over the coming months, along with a detailed roadmap.
For more details, see:
1. Partner chains GitHub repository.
2. Partner chains GitHub issues for feedback.
3. Partner chains are coming to Cardano blog post.
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