Blog > 2024 > September

An unforgettable learning experience in Argentina

Discover the transformative experience of the Cardano developer course at UTN Buenos Aires, where students gained hands-on blockchain skills and deepened their connection with the vibrant Latin American Cardano community

12 September 2024 Ivan Irakoze 4 mins read

An unforgettable learning experience in Argentina

The Input | Output (IO) Education team recently delivered a momentous Cardano developer course at the National Technological University (UTN) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The experience served both to cultivate deep technical learning and to leave a lasting impression on the education team through interactions with the local community and culture.

IO’s technical education lead, Karina Lopez, shares a glimpse into the highlights and stories from this two-week course, delivered in collaboration with Ada Labs for Blockchain Applications (ALBA)

Input | Output at Tokyo Tech: pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology

Global collaborations with universities highlight IO’s dedication to enhancing blockchain knowledge and its contribution to the evolving landscape of decentralized technology

5 September 2024 Olga Hryniuk 4 mins read

Input | Output at Tokyo Tech: pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology

Research has always been integral to Input | Output’s (IO) creative process, allowing for the development of high-assurance blockchain solutions grounded in functional correctness.

Collaborating with researchers and leading universities worldwide, IO addresses challenging research questions to build a solid foundation for fintech blockchain infrastructure. Led by Aggelos Kiayias…